My Trip to Wagah Border

Hi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about my amazing experience visiting the Wagah Border during my trip to Amritsar. It was so cool that I decided to write a separate blog just about it!

We started our day at our hotel in Amritsar. After having lunch, we hired a cab to take us to Wagah Border. Did you know that Wagah Border is the international border that separates India and Pakistan? It’s about 32 kilometers from Amritsar.

Wagah Border

The ceremony at Wagah Border happens in the evening, about two hours before sunset. The ceremony is conducted by the Pakistan Rangers and the Indian Border Security Force (BSF). It includes drills, synchronized marching, and the lowering of both countries’ flags. It’s a way to show respect and end the day.

When we got there, our bags were checked thoroughly before we could enter. There was so much crowd that we couldn’t find space in the front area, but we got seats on the top floor, which had the best view! The venue looked like a football stadium with more than a thousand people shouting and cheering for their country. We could hear patriotic songs and the loud commands from the leaders of the army groups. The soldiers were so tall and impressive!

Watching it for the first time, I didn’t want to blink because I didn’t want to miss anything. The ceremony was free for everyone, and parking was available for a fee for cars and motorcycles. There were vendors and shops selling souvenirs like flags, keychains, and other patriotic items. You could also buy food and drinks from the vendors.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I’m so glad I got to see it. If you ever get a chance to visit the Wagah Border, you should definitely go!

Thank you for reading my blog!

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